Super Star Mahesh Babu “1-Nenokkadine” movie shooting has came to an end and the movie unit is busy with the post-production works. The audio of the movie is going to release tomorrow in a grand way. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music for this much awaited film. Mahesh and Kriti Sanon are playing the lead roles in the movie. Sukumar has directed this stylish action entertainer. Now a rumor is circulating in filmnagar that the dialogues of the movie are leaked.
Let’s have a look at these dialogues:
1. Naa speed ki comma pettalanukoku.... Nee life ki fullstop padipoddi….
2. Nenu form loki vacchake fix avtanu.. okkasari fix ayithe yevadina fidaa ayipovalsinde….
3. Na voice frequency ni batti na violence ye rangelo untundo nuvve decide chesko…..
4. Manchiga unnantavarake nenu hero ni., tedaa vachindo charitha chudani napolean ni prapancham chudani hitler ni neku exclusivega chuspista…..