From the past few days there is a news in the film nagar that Prince Mahesh babu will star in the Telugu remake of Bollywood hit "Jolly LLB" which stars Arshad Warsi and Boman Irani in the lead. But he clarified that "I don't do remakes. I don't believe in remakes. I don't want to do remakes,". Mahesh is currently busy in shooting an ad film in Mumbai. He also clarified saying that "It's my dream, whenever I work in a film it should be remade in other languages. But I as a policy, I don't want to do remakes,".
At present, Mahesh is doing a film under Sukumar direction which is progressing a brisk space. This is a psychological thriller movie is producing by Gopi Chand, Ram Achanta and Anil Sunkara under 14 Reels entertainment banner. The film is expected to release on August 9th.