Producer Mahesh Bhatt has lent his voice to "Aashiqui 2" movie. The film has been extremely close to his heart, given that the first installment he directed over two decades ago turned out to be a cult classic in its own right. Playing the role of father for Aditya Kapur in the movie, Mahesh Bhatt will not make an appearance, but will be seen communicating with Aditya only via phone conversations.
Confirming the news, Mahesh Bhatt says, "I play the lead actor's (Aditya) father. But I am not acting in the film; you won't see me. I have given my voice for two scenes.
He has a phone conversation with his dad and my voice can be heard." The movie is directed by Mohit Suri featuring Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor. The movie is slated to release on April 26th.