Young tiger NTR’s Ramayya Vastavayya shooting has been wrapping up fastly and it is going to release on Sept 27th. Movie audio is going to release on September 8th at Shilpa Kala Vedika. Samantha and Sruthi Hassan are palying female leads in the movie. Harish Shankar is directing this movie after “Gabbar Singh”. The movie is produced by Dil Raju under the Sri Venkateswara Cine Creations Banner. S.S Thaman is composing the music for this film.
We already scene Harish Shankar dialogue power in”Gabbar Singh”. In the same way he penned some powerful dialogues to this film already “buddodu…” dialogue has became popular in the teaser. Now other two dialogues from the movie are leaked. Lets have a look at these dialogues.
1) Female lo MALE untadu…Woman lo MAN untadu…She lo HE untadu …So dhini batti niku emi ardhamayindhi Girls ki Boys Pakkaga kavalamma idhi fact
2) Manam Kalalo kuda okarini marchipoleka pothunam ante valante manaki champentha kopam ayina undali…ledha chachentha premayina undali emundhi manidhari madhya…