Varun Tej who is the son of Mega Brother is all set to make his debut under the direction of Sensibel Director Sekhar Kammula in the Vijayanthi movies banner. Ashwini Dutt is going to produce the movie. Earlier many directors names came in to the news but every thing remained as a rumour Tollywood directors like Krish, Srikanth Addala and Sensational director Puri Jagannadh also considered for this project earlier.
Now the recent buzz is that Varun Tej is going to make his debut under the direction of Sekhar Kammula. Sekahr Kammula narrated a line for him and he asked sekhar to come with a full script. Sekhar Kammula is now busy with the Shooting as well as the post-production work of his Upcoming movie “Anamika”. Nayantara is playing the Title role “Anamika” which is a remake of Bollywood super hit movie “Kahaani”. After Completion of this movie Varun’s movie may go on to the tracks. Let us see whether the project will go on to the sets or not….