Ram Charan and Venkatesh multi-starrer under the direction of Creative director Krishna vamsi is getting ready to start in November. Ram Charan is working out for this movie for an unique look and getting slim for this movie. Reports say that regular shooting for this movie will begin in the month of November. Nagababu is also playing a key role in this movie where Super Star Krishna was earlier consider for this role. But he rejected this role because his body and age won’t allow him to act like earlier
Currently Krishna Vamsi is busy with the script work of this film. The movie is going to be perfect family entertainer. Kajal Agarwal pairing with Ramcharan for the third time in this movie while Nayanthara is pairing opposite to Venkatesh. Venakatesh and Ramcharan will be seen as Uncle and son in this movie. Successful producer Bandla Ganesh is going to produce this movie under his “Parameswara Arts” banner. The movie will be going to hit the floors very soon.