Nanadamuri Balakrishna upcoming movie “Legend” first look is to be unveiled on Diwali. Earlier the makers of the movie have planned to release the first look for Dusshera but they are unable to make it. Boyapati Srinu is directing this movie. The movie is a powerful action entertainer. Earlier this duo had delivered a super hit with “Simha”.
Sonal Chauhan and Radhika Apte are playing the female leads.Sizzling Beauty Sameera Reddy is doing an item song in this movie. Jagapathi Babu is going to be seen in a negative role. Boyapati Srinu is directing Balayya after Simha and Legend film is being jointly produced by Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta. The shooting of the movie is going on with a nice pace and the movie is going to release in February.