Tamil Super Star “Thala” Ajith’s latest sensation “Aarambham” has reached 50 crore mark in 10 days. The film features Ajith Kumar, Arya, Nayantara and Taapsee Pannu in lead roles. “Aarambam", which was released on 31 October, has taken the box office by storm. "Arrambam" dominates over other Tamil releases at the box office raking in good collections. The movie directed by Vishnuvardhan raked Rs. 54 Crore so far worldwide.
Let’s have look at the 10 days collections of “Aarambham”.
Area Collections
Tamil Nadu Rs. 30 Crore
Karnataka Rs. 2 Crore
Kerala Rs. 3.6 Crore
Rest Of India Rs. 1 Crore
India Rs. 36.6 Crore
USA Rs. 2.2 Crore
Canada Rs. 1 Crore
Singapore Rs. 2.6 Crore
Australia Rs. 0.7 Crore
UK Rs. 1.8 Crore
Rest of World Rs. 9 Crore
Total (Worldwide) Rs. 54 Crore