Super Star Mahesh Babu’s “1-Nenokkadine” shooting has came to the final stages. The unit had already started the post-production work of the movie. The makers are planning for a grand audio release in the month of December. Recent buzz is that Nandamuri Balakrishna will grace the audio function as a chief guest.
Mahesh wants to celebrate this event as high –profilic event any many of tollywood biggies were expected to grace the event .As it’s a Mahesh Movie, Superstar Krishna will be the obvious chief guest and adding to the list, Nandamuri hero Balakrishna will also grace the launch as one of the chief guest.
Presently Balayya acting in Legend movie and 14 reels entertainment producing the movie who also produced “1-Nenokkadine” movie .The producers are known to be a close associates of Balayya and Mahesh so they invited Balkrishna to grace the event.