Bollywood Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan eyes on Mega Star Chiranjeevi classic movie “Rudra Veena”. According to recent buzz Aamir is very much impressed with the movie and trying to remake the movie in to the Bollywood. “Rudra Veena” is directed by legendary director Bala Chander while chiranjeevi produced the movie under his own production house “Anjana Productions”.
Aamir Khan is now busy with the promotion of his upcoming film “Dhoom-3” which is going to release on 20th of this month. In “Dhoom-3” Aamir Khan will play an antagonist for the first time in his film career. Katrina Kaif is pairing with Aamir first time. Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra will reprise their roles as police officer Jai Dixit and his side kick Ali Khan respectively. Dhoom 3 has been written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and produced by Aditya Chopra.