Super Star Mahesh Babu upcoming movie “1-Nenokkadine” shooting is going on with a Brisk space. The movie unit is currently busy with the Goa schedule which had started recently. The audio of the movie will going to release in the month of December. Devi Sri Prasad is the music director of this movie and he has reportedly come up with some very different tunes for this film. With the Goa schedule the talkie part of the film will be complete.
Mahesh Babu and Kriti Sanon are the lead roles in the movie. Sukumar is directing the movie under the 14 Reels entertainment banner. Ram Achanta, Gopichand, Anil Sunkara are producing the movie.Devi Sri Prasad(DSP) have scored the music for this film. Ratnavelu is the cinematographer.